Resume Tips

Make a personal brand for yourself. You may want to tell your work story. A resume is to sell yourself as a candidate for a job. Think “Why should someone hire me”?

Use short sentences and info that fits the job you are applying for.

Make a list of your skills. What did you learn from other jobs? List skills that fit the job you are applying for first. If you have limited work experience, then tell more about your skills.

Make sure you have company name and location for each job you worked at. Show what you’ve done – not just list your job duties. How did you help your company? Did you finish a project, get more customers or fix a problem? Use action words. Don’t start sentences with I was or I did.

Use bold font, bullet points, underling and italics to make things stand out. Don’t use so many that your resume looks messy. Font size should be at least 10 point type in an easy to read style.

Save your resume in a PDF format. Check your spelling.


  • Contact info
  • Summary statement
  • Skills
  • Job Experience
  • Education